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1. Seizure [see-zher]-अभिग्रहण
Noun/संज्ञा : the act or an instance of seizing; the state of being seized; a taking possession of an item, property, or person legally or by force.
Synonyms/पर्यायवाची : breakdown, convulsion, illness, stroke, access, fit, paroxysm, spasm, spell, throe, turn.
Antonyms/विलोमार्थी : letting go, liberation, release.
Example/उदाहरण : Centre not helping us tackle flood havoc , claims Mamata.
2. Havoc [hav-uh k]-तबाही/सर्वनाश/विनाश
Noun/संज्ञा : great destruction or devastation; ruinous damage
Verb/क्रिया : to work havoc upon; devastate.
Synonyms/पर्यायवाची : calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, chaos, confusion, destruction, devastation, disruption, mayhem, damage, desolation, dilapidation, disorder.
Antonyms/विलोमार्थी : blessing, boon, building, calm, construction.
Example/उदाहरण : The unusual project
coaxes people to “not judge a book by its cover” and instead initiate conversations.
3. Coax [kohks]-मनाना/समझाना
Verb/क्रिया : to attempt to influence by gentle persuasion, flattery, etc.; cajole; to obtain by coaxing; to manipulate to a desired end by adroit handling or persistent effort; to use gentle persuasion.
Synonyms/पर्यायवाची : cajole, entice, induce, tease, tempt, wheedle, allure, barter, beguile, blandish, blarney.
Antonyms/विलोमार्थी : discourage, repel, repulse, turn off, disenchant.
Example/उदाहरण : The stories narrated give readers a new perspective and broaden their horizons .
4. Horizon [huh-rahy-zuh n]-क्षितिज
Noun/संज्ञा : the line or circle that forms the apparent boundary between earth and sky; the limit or range of perception, knowledge, or the like.
Synonyms/विलोमार्थी : boundary, perspective, prospect, scope, border, compass, ken, limit, purview.
Example/उदाहरण : Nonetheless, two aspects merit close scrutiny: the potential for abuse, and the underlying
premise that a generic anti-lynching law could address India’s lynching problem.
5. Premise [prem-is]-परिसर
Noun/संज्ञा : Also, premiss. Logic. a proposition supporting or helping to support a conclusion; a tract of land including its buildings; a building together with its grounds or other appurtenances; the property forming the subject of a conveyance or bequest.
Verb/क्रिया : to set forth beforehand, as by way of introduction or explanation; to assume, either explicitly or implicitly, (a proposition) as a premise for a conclusion.
Antonyms/विलोमार्थी : denial, reality, rejection, fact.
6. Generic [juh-ner-ik]-सामान्य
Adjective/विश्लेषण : of, applicable to, or referring to all the members of a genus, class, group, or kind; general; of, relating to, or noting a genus, especially in biology; (of a word) applicable or referring to both men and women.
Noun/संज्ञा : a generic term; any product, as a type of food, drug, or cosmetic commonly marketed under a brand name, that is sold in a package without a brand.
Synonyms/पर्यायवाची : universal, blanket, collective, comprehensive, sweeping, all-encompassing, inclusive, nonexclusive.
Antonyms/विलोमार्थी : exclusive, individual, particular, specific.
7. Lynch [linch]-वध करना
Verb/क्रिया : to put to death, especially by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority.
Synonyms/पर्यायवाची : execution, capital punishment, mob justice, stringing up, the gallows, vigilante justice.
Example/उदाहरण : Would it not have been prudent to mandate that the Review Committee make its report public or have members from civil society?
8. Prudent [prood-nt]-विवेकी
Adjective/विशेषण : wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober; careful in providing for the future; provident.
Synonyms/पर्यायवाची : careful, cautious, discreet, economical, frugal, judicious, reasonable, sane, shrewd, vigilant, advisable, canny, circumspect, discerning, far-sighted, hedging one's bets.
Antonyms/विलोमार्थी : careless, expensive, foolish, hasty, inattentive, incautious.
Example/उदाहरण : The NCAML activists must know that this confidence has little to do with legislative lacuna.
9. Lacuna [luh-kyoo-nuh]-कमी/आभाव
Noun/संज्ञा : Noun: a gap or missing part, as in a manuscript, series, or logical argument; hiatus; Anatomy. one of the numerous minute cavities in the substance of bone, supposed to contain nucleate cells; Botany. an air space in the cellular tissue of plants.
Synonyms/पर्यायवाची : break, cavity, depression, gap, hiatus, interim, interval, opening, space.
Antonyms/विलोमार्थी : closure, continuation, continuity, misfortune.
Example/उदाहरण : Put simply, the problem is not mob lynching per se but the mob lynching of minorities, for that is where impunity kicks in.
10. Impunity [im-pyoo-ni-tee]-दण्ड मुक्ति
Noun/संज्ञा : exemption from punishment; immunity from detrimental effects, as of an action.
Synonyms/पर्यायवाची : immunity, dispensation, exception, exemption, liberty, license, permission.
Antonyms/विलोमार्थी : denial, prohibition, veto, imprisonment, incarceration.

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